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Стенд Aestech на міжнародному фестивалі World Architecture Festival 2022 у Лісабоні

Під час міжнародного фестивалю WAF 2022, присвяченому подіям, трендам та тенденціям в архітектурі та девелопменті, Aestech презентувала власне ноу-хау – безрамні склопакети підвищеної міцності.

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frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness

For the first major product presentation, we decided to create something large-scale that would fully show the capabilities of our glass units.

frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness

So for the World Architecture Festival, we built a sizeable two-zone stand, almost entirely made of glass units with higher stiffness. One part was set as a reception area, closed by a part of the facade system, and assembled from multi-format glass units.

frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness

A key element of the Aestech stand was a three-dimensional all-glass arch 3.9 meters high. The construct was created from 23 glass units of different shapes and sizes and had many borders, so the design looked different from each side.

frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness
frameless glass units with higher stiffness

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